Destroy Claims Details Page
This is an expert tool. Please take a closer look here. If you have running DCAs in your environment and you don't know what you do here, there is a high risk of loosing data.
Overview Tab
The overview tab provides you with the most basic metadata a Destroy Claim should have.
You can give it a title
, keywords
, description
and set an responsible owner
By default, a Destroy Claim is not active. If you want to activate a Destroy Claim, click the three dots on the upper right corner. There, a switch with the label "active" will be available.
Details Tab
Here you can model the end of the data life cycle of resources that are inventoried in DIVA.
First, you can select the modes in which the DCAs should interpret the Destroy Claim.
You can also select an expiration date, on which the Destroy Claim is no longer valid and can be ignored by DCAs.
The Destroy Claim Model version is currently hard coded to 1.0.0
Destroy Reasons
Under Destroy Reasons, the reasons why resources have reached the end of the data life cycle can be selected. We prepared a list of 52 standardized reasons. You can also write custom ones.
Destroy Subjects
Next, you can select which resources are affected by this Destroy Claim. Click on the input field. A search component appears where you can search for your resources.
You can add them by clicking "Add to Destroy Claim". Added resources are shown as cards below the input field.
For each resource you can define an action to be performed when the end of the data life cycle is reached. For this, click on the "Edit Action" button. A list of possible actions supported by DIVA will be available.
You can also set your own custom Boolean Conditions by clicking on the "Edit Expert Conditions" tab.
please take a closer look at the Destroy Claim Model Specification if you want to understand this part.
Destroy Conditions
Next, you can select Destroy Conditions to model the end of the data life cycle.
DIVA supports a set of standard conditions and two diva specific ones.
Destroy Condition: Valid from Date
Here you can select a point in time from when on the condition is true.
Destroy Condition: Country
You can build a condition that checks if the executing DCA is inside or outside a specific country.
Destroy Condition: DCA Property
This conditions checks if an executing DCA has or has not a specific label.
Destroy Condition: DIVA Entity Property
A condition that is depending on the entity metadata in DIVA.
You can select any entity.
A list of possible metadata fields will be requested.
Depending on the type of the field, comparison operators can then be selected and a comparison value can be set.
Destroy Condition: DIVA Entity Relation
A condition that is depending on the entity relations in DIVA.
You can build a condition depending on the existence or non existence of a relation.
You can set the type of relation and if the direction of the relation is important.
Root Level Expert Conditions
On the bottom of the page, you can set expert conditions for the whole Destroy Claim.
please take a closer look at the Destroy Claim Model Specification if you want to understand this part.
Additional Notes
Like all other entities in DIVA, you are able to see a history of the metadata. You can also take a look into the data network using the "Data Network" tab.