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There is a pending German patent application with the application number 10 2023 125 012.4. In order to use the TREND watermarker Software in the form published here, a patent license is required in addition to the license for the Software. See LICENSE for more information. In case of any questions or uncertainties, please contact us at


If you want to use watermarking inside your Kotlin project, this page gives you the necessary information.

Compile the Library

See Installation.

Example: Watermarking Text with Text

Below you can see an example project that inserts a text as watermark into a cover text and then extracts the watermark from the watermarked text.

1. Add Library as Dependency

Line 12 is the important line that adds our library as dependency into the project. Currently, we are working with local deployment, so you will have to add mavenLocal() as repo (line 8) and publish the library to mavenLocal (see Installation).

plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "2.0.0"

repositories {

dependencies {

application {

2. Use the Library

The extension functions handle() and unwrap() are optional for easy error handling with our custom return types (see Concepts for more details).

import de.fraunhofer.isst.trend.watermarker.Watermarker
import de.fraunhofer.isst.trend.watermarker.returnTypes.Result
import de.fraunhofer.isst.trend.watermarker.returnTypes.Status
import de.fraunhofer.isst.trend.watermarker.watermarks.TextWatermark
import kotlin.system.exitProcess

fun main() {
// *********************
// ***** INSERTION *****
// *********************

// the coverText should be enhanced with a watermark
val coverText =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor " +
"incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Blandit volutpat maecenas " +
"volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat velit."
// the watermarkText is that watermark that will be included in the coverText above
val watermarkText = "Test"

// prepare watermarker
val watermarker = Watermarker()

// creating a watermark with text as content
val watermark =

// inserting the watermark into the cover text and handling potential errors and warnings
val watermarkedText = watermarker.textAddWatermark(coverText, watermark).unwrap()

// print the watermarked text
println("watermarked text:")

// **********************
// ***** Extraction *****
// **********************

// extract the watermark from the watermarked text
val extractedWatermarks = watermarker.textGetTextWatermarks(watermarkedText).unwrap()
check(extractedWatermarks.size == 1)
val extractedWatermark = extractedWatermarks[0]

// print the watermark text
println("Found a watermark in the text:")


* Handles a status depending on its variant:
* Variant Error:
* - print error and exit with code -1
* Variant Warning:
* - print warning
* Variant Success:
* - nop
fun Status.handle() {
if (isSuccess) {


if (isError) {

* Unwraps a Result depending on its variant:
* Variant Error:
* - print error and exit with code -1
* Variant Warning:
* - print warning
* - return non-null value
* Variant Success:
* - return non-null value
fun <T> Result<T>.unwrap(): T {
checkNotNull(value) {
"A Result with a Status of type Success or Warning are expected to have a value"

return value!!