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System Prerequisites

The following things are needed to run this application:

  • A Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  • The watermarker library, published in maven local(*)

(*) To publish the watermarker library to your maven local repository (if not already done), execute the following commands from the root directory of the project:

  1. cd watermarker
  2. ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Building from Source

Use Gradle to build the CLI tool:

Note: You must replace <version> in the following commands (e.g. 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT)

  1. cd cli (if not already there)
  2. ./gradlew shadowJar"
    • This will create a standalone jar file: ./build/libs/cli-<version>-all.jar
  3. java -jar build/libs/cli-<version>-all.jar --help
    • This will print all possible commands of the CLI tool.
  4. (Optional) Create alias trend to run the CLI tool:
    • Fish: alias -s trend "java -jar $PWD/build/libs/cli-<version>-all.jar"
    • Zsh / Bash:
      • Note: You must replace <path/to/cli> and <version in the following commands
      • add the following line to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc:
        alias trend='java -jar <path/to/cli>/build/libs/cli-<version>-all.jar'

Usage Example

  • List all watermarks contained in a file:
    trend list example.watermarked.txt
  • Create a new file from the source file:
    • Add a watermark to a text file:
      trend add "<watermark>" example.txt example.watermarked.txt
    • Remove all watermarks contained in a file:
      trend remove example.watermarked.txt example.txt
  • Modify the source file:
    • Add a watermark to a text file:
      trend add "<watermark>" example.txt
    • Remove all watermarks contained in a file:
      trend remove example.watermarked.txt

Development Build

Use Gradle to recompile and run the CLI tool:

  1. cd cli (if not already there)
  2. ./gradlew run --args="--help"
    • This will print all possible commands of the CLI tool. To use it, the --args parameter has to be changed.