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There is a pending German patent application with the application number 10 2023 125 012.4. In order to use the TREND watermarker Software in the form published here, a patent license is required in addition to the license for the Software. See LICENSE for more information. In case of any questions or uncertainties, please contact us at

Getting Started

Detailed getting started guides are described for every component in their dedicated README file, located in the corresponding subfolders of the TREND repository. In the following, an easy start of the webinterface with the watermarker library is described.

System Prerequisites

The following things are needed to run this application:

  • docker & docker-compose

Quick Start

To run the webinterface, just clone the repo locally and run the docker-compose.yml file in the root directory of the project:

$ git clone
$ cd TREND
$ docker-compose up

After the startup finished, try to visit the webinterface at http://localhost:8080