The watermarker library uses bytes as the watermark content. This approach is very flexible and allows almost any content to be inserted as a watermark. However, when extracting a watermark, it is necessary to know how to interpret the bytes. The information needed to correctly interpret the bytes can be included in the watermark at the cost of increasing the size of the watermark. This makes it possible to extract and interpret watermarks from unknown sources, as long as they follow a predefined specification. The Trendmark class creates and implements such a specification. The specification is documented below.
Trendmark uses the first byte of a watermark as a tag composed of 8 flags to indicate the format. This allows to parse and interpret the content of the watermark correctly as long as the watermark follows this specification. The table below lists all specified tags sorted by the amount and positions of set flags and explains their purpose. The flags carry the following meanings:
(1) Custom
(2) Compressed
(3) Sized
(4) CRC32
(5) SHA3-256
(6) Unused
(7) Unused
(8) Unused
Tag (in bin) | Tag (in hex) | Class name | Meaning |
00000000 | 00 | RawTrendmark | raw bytes without special encoding |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
10000000 | 80 | Custom | Reserved for custom Trendmark implementations |
01000000 | 40 | CompressedRawTrendmark | compressed bytes |
00100000 | 20 | SizedTrendmark | size + raw bytes |
00010000 | 10 | CRC32Trendmark | CRC32 checksum + raw bytes |
00001000 | 08 | SHA3256Trendmark | SHA3-256 hash + raw bytes |
00000100 | 04 | ---Unused--- | flag currently not in use |
00000010 | 02 | ---Unused--- | flag currently not in use |
00000001 | 01 | ---Unused--- | flag currently not in use |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
01100000 | 60 | CompressedSizedTrendmark | size + compressed bytes |
01010000 | 50 | CompressedCRC32Trendmark | CRC32 checksum + compressed bytes |
01001000 | 48 | CompressedSHA3256Trendmark | SHA3-256 hash + compressed bytes |
00110000 | 30 | SizedCRC32Trendmark | size + CRC32 checksum + raw bytes |
00101000 | 28 | SizedSHA3256Trendmark | size + SHA3-256 hash + raw bytes |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
01110000 | 70 | CompressedSizedCRC32Trendmark | size + CRC32 checksum + compressed bytes |
01101000 | 68 | CompressedSizedSHA3256Trendmark | size + SHA3-256 hash + compressed bytes |
In the following, each watermark is specified with the text Lorem Ipsum
encoded in UTF-8 bytes
(4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 69 70 73 75 6d) as example watermark content. All values are in hexadecimal
The compressed variants use DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
Compressing the example watermark content results in the bytes (f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05
00), which is larger because the example content is too small to be effectively compressed.
Only the content is compressed, potentially allowing to use the additional information to increase
the watermark robustness.
tag | raw bytes |
00 | 4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 69 70 73 75 6d |
The size is calculated over the entire watermark.
tag | size in 32 bits little-endian | raw bytes |
20 | 10 00 00 00 | 4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 69 70 73 75 6d |
The CRC32 checksum is calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the checksum with null bytes.
tag | CRC32 checksum little-endian | raw bytes |
10 | 7a 10 91 54 | 4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 49 70 73 75 6d |
The size and CRC32 checksum are calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the checksum with null bytes.
tag | size in 32 bits little-endian | CRC32 checksum little-endian | raw bytes |
30 | 14 00 00 00 | fa 33 c8 51 | 4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 49 70 73 75 6d |
The SHA3-256 hash is calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the hash with null bytes.
tag | SHA3-256 hash | raw bytes |
08 | 64 02 85 b2 7b 00 49 00 8b 05 f4 f5 ad 52 fe de 18 13 b4 3d 2f 71 79 dc b4 38 9c a0 1c 15 be b0 | 4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 49 70 73 75 6d |
The size and SHA3-256 hash are calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the hash are replaced with zero-bytes.
tag | size in 32 bits little-endian | SHA3-256 hash | raw bytes |
28 | 30 00 00 00 | 10 28 25 27 0b e9 43 10 cb 90 ed 27 93 1e 09 cb e6 13 ba bc f5 3b 08 fa 97 2a 1b 6b 1e e1 3b 8d | 4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 49 70 73 75 6d |
Trendmark uses DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
tag | compressed content |
40 | f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05 00 |
The size is calculated over the entire watermark. Only the content is compressed, potentially allowing to use the additional information to increase the watermark robustness. Trendmark uses DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
tag | size in 32 bits little-endian | compressed bytes |
60 | 12 00 00 00 | f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05 00 |
The CRC32 checksum is calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the checksum with null bytes. Only the content is compressed, potentially allowing to use the additional information to increase the watermark robustness. Trendmark uses DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
tag | CRC32 checksum little-endian | compressed bytes |
50 | 26 73 92 10 | f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05 00 |
The size and CRC32 checksum are calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the checksum with null bytes. Only the content is compressed, potentially allowing to use the additional information to increase the watermark robustness. Trendmark uses DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
tag | size in 32 bits little-endian | CRC32 checksum little-endian | compressed bytes |
70 | 16 00 00 00 | 9c cd 71 1d | f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05 00 |
The SHA3-256 hash is calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the hash with null bytes. Only the content is compressed, potentially allowing to use the additional information to increase the watermark robustness. Trendmark uses DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
tag | SHA3-256 hash | compressed bytes |
48 | 53 b6 c1 d7 0f 09 5a c9 b8 4a 52 c1 b4 85 48 f0 d6 09 88 aa 7f 78 dd fd 54 c2 21 df 8f 9f b1 29 | f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05 00 |
The size and SHA3-256 hash are calculated over the entire watermark, replacing the bytes containing the hash are replaced with zero-bytes. Only the content is compressed, potentially allowing to use the additional information to increase the watermark robustness. Trendmark uses DEFLATE as compression algorithm (see RFC 1951).
tag | size in 32 bits little-endian | SHA3-256 hash | compressed bytes |
68 | 32 00 00 00 | df bc 29 21 6d 94 3d 73 6b 73 19 86 4c a8 b7 58 00 23 7a 2e 53 ba 6c ea 49 4f d0 8e f9 47 9d 1b | f3 c9 2f 4a cd 55 f0 2c 28 2e cd 05 00 |